Today, being Monday, the last full week of October, I am laying out my plans for life, I guess?
I have a jist on what I want - to be an Art Therapist- and I might have an idea on how to become one.
It's all about hoop jumping, as my Aunt calls it. So the hoops I want to put in place are the following:
[x] Obtain proof of birth
[ in progress] Study high school subjects to refresh mind for test
[thinking Air Force] Decide which branch of the Military to enlist in
[] Serve the term
[] Go to School for Psychology (Easier and more realistic in AF than Army)
[] Use G.I. Bill to continue school
[] Go to NYU for Art Therapy.
I might have to delete or rearrange my hoops but I am thinking this is a good route.
And noting that I am considering Air Force, this will probablly make alot of people happy since they feel I should NOT join the Army. Well nut buster for ya, I will join the Army after all of this because I want to be an Art Therapist for the Army.
My mother teaches on an Army base and the stories she tells me of these children kill me.
But time is not on my side, so Step 2. will have to commence at a later time.