Monday, July 25, 2011

Art Therapy

this week [on my days off of course] i am going to start self - art therapy
and for each project i am going to post the picture, how i did it, why i did it, and how
it made me feel. please feel free to duplicate the projects!

{to be continued...}

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Baby Biographies

It's been a good minute, but I have a new project: Baby Biographies. What is a Baby Biography? The idea started out when Charles Darwin set out to study infants. This idea spread to a few others interested in studying personality. They are soley obersavtional and can be biased, since the books are on the writers own child. Thus sparking my inspiration to set out and record how infants grow in their personality and other means. The child that the Baby Biography will be based on is my boyfriends 14 month old daughter. I have already seen immense change in how she reacts to me in the month I have been near her. She even signs!!! Yes this biography might be a bit biased but I am so inlove with her. :) So every month, I will summarize what I have written down, just for fun. And How!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"The Body as Temple"

Here are some controversial ads about a yoga product, toesox. But I am inspired by her body. Not in a porn aspect but as an aspect of how I want to practice yoga, to achieve a body like that!

From an photo students point of view, these pictures are amazing with her use of body. The fact they are black and white are a plus!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I have an amazing immediate family. A loving mother, a determined father and the best sister anyone could ever ask for. But what about the rest?
About your rest?

Why are we not as tight nit as we once were, America being a whole mind you? Is this cuz of the distance, the fact we live in one family homes, the idea of independence? I wonder this sometimes.
The internet, e-mail, and social networks are bridging us together but is it just as impersonal? Now please don't get me wrong, for I am not bashing my family or anyone else's, just a thought and I'm pulling a Lewis Carol and jotting it down before it drifts off into oblivion.
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