Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Baby Biographies

It's been a good minute, but I have a new project: Baby Biographies. What is a Baby Biography? The idea started out when Charles Darwin set out to study infants. This idea spread to a few others interested in studying personality. They are soley obersavtional and can be biased, since the books are on the writers own child. Thus sparking my inspiration to set out and record how infants grow in their personality and other means. The child that the Baby Biography will be based on is my boyfriends 14 month old daughter. I have already seen immense change in how she reacts to me in the month I have been near her. She even signs!!! Yes this biography might be a bit biased but I am so inlove with her. :) So every month, I will summarize what I have written down, just for fun. And How!